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Change of saving frequency Dropbox and Google Drive

The copies of your logbook on Dropbox and Google Drive are now executed every week.
In case of variations to logbook, the saving time drops off to one hour.

Server virtualization

All the servers have been recreated on a cloud infrastructure. The new datacenter makes available more performing servers, faster and safer disk units (the data are redundant on a SAN which uses RAID 10) and a wider link to the network.
It has been installed a new mail server and some bugs concerning the function which allows to have a mail address on have been fixed ( Login -> Modify profile -> Mail alias)


QARTest is a program specialized in contest. In this program it has been added a new type of communication (UDP) towards the server and it is not more necessary to use the utility "UDP Bridge".

Print logbook

This function allows to print your own logbook. It requires just to select the year from which the print has to start and you will get your logbook in PDF format, easily loadable or printable. It is reachable from Login -> Print -> Logbook

Social networks

In the latest period, the page which allows the integration with Facebook (Login -> Modify profile ->Facebook) were not working anymore due to some modificatins on the social network servers. Now this functionality is available again. In addition, you can follow the news also on the page  or join the group  " official user group".
The integration with Twitter (Login -> Modify profile -> Twitter) has been improved: now it is possible to postpone an #hasthag on your own tweet sent to the social network and new buttons have been added in order to make possible to Follow  @HRDLOGnet, Tweet on @HRDLOGnet or send a tweet. 

Section for QSL Manager

It has been created a new section of the web site completely dedicated to ones who works as QSL Manager; this section is reachable through Login -> QSL Manager -> Manage.
The QSL Managers can register their customers, manage the questions and the sending of QSL, save the cost of their activities, have annual reports; the whole is integrated with the logbook part of and with the printings of HRDLabel.
This function has not to be confused with the setting of your own QSL Manager, operation which has to be done through Login -> Modify Profile -> User Data.

Page List DXCC

We remind you that through the page "List DXCC" (Login -> List DXCC) is possible to visualize the list of the contacted countries and of the confirmed ones.
After this updating, it is also possible to verify the correspondence between the callsign and the assigned country (Check DXCC) and modify the attribution in case of error.

Logbook import from a HTTP server

This function, suitable for DXpedition or expert users, allows to import your own logbook taking it from a web server. You can store your logbook in ADIF format on your own web server, indicate the file address and it will be automatically imported every day.
On this version, two ways of charging are provided: "Skip Duplicate QSO" by which the QSO  already present on are ignored and "Update duplicate QSO" where the QSO present are updated.
The settings are reachable through Login -> Import Logbook -> ADIF Remote Logbook

New Gadget

It is available a new gadget to be installed on your own PC which allows to visualize in real time all the names "on air" useful to add a new entity DXCC to your own logbook.
The gadget analyzes the data of the logbook, of the "on air", of the clusters and it cross them with the estimations done on the real propagation.
This gadget, as the other ones, is downloadable at


The integration with other applications is still on going. The integration with Log4OM, Winlog32 and youLOG are already added or still on test.
The HRDLabel version 6 is now able to print the QSL taking the data directly from and from EnzoLog.

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